At Bath CU we are Global People who are passionate about God’s Global mission, so we put on lots of events in order to reach out to people of all nations at our university. If you would like to find out more about being a part of our Global Friends Team then please click here.
The CU is constantly running events, and we want to let people know about it, so we flyer. But we need to design all these things first. If have any artist talent then this is the team for you! Come help out in designing our flyers, videos and pictures we use for our publicity.
Contact the Publicity Secretary here. |
Our aim is to share Christ with all, we also want to reflect Jesus Christ to all. To this end, we want to be on good terms with the SU and the campus authorities, so we want to leave all the rooms and other areas we use the same as when we started using, a simple gesture with a lasting effect!
Contact the Logistics Secretary here. |
If you are more interested in the technological side of things, then these are the teams for you. Help keep the website updated or help with the AV during the main Explore meetings and other events.
Contact the Website Coordinator here. |
This team organises all the food and social side of events run by the CU. If you have a heart to serve on a more practical way, and can bake (or want to learn!) this is the team for you.
Contact the Hospitality Coordinator here. |
At the heart of the CU is evangelism, the team is involved in the running this weekly event. Join in and answer questions about God and Christianity (and find out more yourself!)
Contact the Evangelism Secretary here. |